It's undeniable that Chanel stands as one of the most highly sought-after designer handbag brands. For those seeking a valuable Chanel investment piece, the resale market proves to be an excellent destination. The year of production plays a significant role in determining the resale price, and fortunately, Chanel's serial numbers offer insight into a bag's manufacturing year. Below, we've compiled a helpful chart detailing the Chanel serial number format and its corresponding production years, so you could check your Chanel Serial number to find out which year it is manufactured.
Note that after 2021, Chanel replaced its serial number system with a microchip.
However, the presence or absence of the serial number sticker is not the sole criterion for authenticating a Chanel bag. There are several other key elements that authenticators examine during the authentication process. These include:
1. Printed CHANEL Logo: The quality and accuracy of the CHANEL logo on the bag's interior lining or hardware.
2. MADE IN Logo: The authenticity of the "MADE IN" logo, which indicates the bag's place of manufacture.
3. Engraved Hardware: Examination of the bag's hardware, including the precision of the engraving on zippers, clasps, and other metal components.
4. Leather Material: Assessment of the leather material, including its texture, color, and overall quality.
5. Microscopic Views with AI Technology: The use of advanced technology, such as AI, to scrutinize microscopic details and patterns in the leather and stitching, which can reveal authenticity.
6. Stitching: Careful inspection of the stitching quality, including the stitching pattern and alignment.
If you come across a Chanel bag that lacks the serial number sticker but comes with a guarantee of authenticity from the seller or has been authenticated by a reputable service like Entrupy, it can indeed be a fantastic opportunity to secure a Chanel bag at a bargain price. The combination of these authentication methods ensures that buyers can confidently purchase Chanel bags even without the serial number sticker intact. However, it's crucial to verify the credentials of the authenticator or service to ensure a legitimate and reliable assessment.
I have a Chanel patent leather clutch bag from the early 1990’s. There is a small “sticker” behind the inner zip flap pocket but any numbers that were on it have either faded or might be behind the sticker. The seven digit card number starts 02 but I cannot see any other inner number other than this faded sticker attached to the lining. I am sure this was purchased in New Bond Street, London, by a friend of mine but am confused that I cannot see an interior number. How can I get it authenticated and/or valued.
Can a Chanel bag from 2013, which is series 17.1, be authenticated by a professional authenticator to find out if it’s real or fake? I heard that it can’t be authenticated because that year Chanel had a problem with thefts and some counterfeits because of thefts. That’s why that series can’t be authenticated. Is this true? Plesae let me know. Thanks for your help! :)
I have a Chanel cardholder and I believe it is fake. It does not have the serial number. The seller claimed it has fell off. I requested authentication from Real Authentication and Legit Grails, both stated that they can’t verify the item. Who else can help me out so I can get my money back?
I purchased chanel bag on a surplus…the bag has no " chanel" engrave on the lock…is this bag is authentic..the lock has M10 engrave a little on the side of gold hardware lock.(.2.55 blue bag quilt jersey)
Hi Pareen, you could authenticate this bag with any resale shop in your city. You can also use email authentication with the likes of Authenticate First, and Real Authentication.