One Simple Trick to Help You Easily Identify Fake Gucci Bags

One Simple Trick to Help You Easily Identify Fake Gucci Bags

Gucci is a renowned Italian luxury brand known for its distinctive style and impeccable craftsmanship. Unfortunately, the popularity of Gucci has also led to a surge in counterfeit products. To help you navigate the world of Gucci authentication, let's delve into some key tips.

The Black Label: A Crucial Indicator

One of the most effective ways to identify a genuine Gucci bag is by examining the black label. It can be found in most newer models, inside the small pocket. 


Here's what to look for:

  • Material: The genuine label is made of delicate, shiny silk.
  • Color: The font color should be black and blue, not pure white or silver gray.
  • Font: The letter "G" should be thin at the top and bottom, thick at the left and right. The number "0" should be straight on both sides without any curvature.
  • Printing: The letters and numbers should appear in a stair-like or strip-like shape. The right side of the QR code at the bottom left of the letter G should be open with a dotted line.
  • Production: The black label should have no edge sealing process and may show signs of wire hooking due to its delicate nature.

The Leather Logo: A Second Line of Defence

Another important feature to examine is the leather logo. Here are some key characteristics:

  • Font: The serif font should be relatively wide on the left and thin on the top.
  • Alignment: The letter mark and the origin mark should be flush at both ends.
  • Circle R: The outer circle of the circle R should be the largest, and the upper part of the "R" should be shaped like a bullet head with extending legs.

  • Other Letters: The outer circles of the letters "G", "U", and "C" should be perfect circles. The "G" should have a Roman column at the end, the "U" should have a Roman column above it, and the "C" should have cut corners on the upper right and lower right.

  • "I": The "I" should have Roman columns similar to trays at both ends.
  • "a" and "d": The "a" and "d" should have perfectly round interiors with a gap at the bottom. The head of "d" should be longer, accounting for 1/2 of the entire letter.
  • "T": The horizontal line of "T" should be shorter on the left and longer on the right, without a leg at the bottom.
  • "y": The ending of "y" should be heavier.

The Style Code: A Closer Look at the Numbers

In addition to the black label and leather logo, the individual numbers on a Gucci product can also provide valuable clues for authentication. Here's a breakdown of key differences between genuine and counterfeit Gucci numbers:

  • Number 0, 8: thin at the top and bottom, thick at the left and right
  • Number 1: head tilted 45 degrees.
  • Number 1, 4: here are two bases on the bottom and right.
  • Number 2, 3, 5: There is a dot at the end, and the inner circle is narrow.
  • Number 6, 9The top is not engraved deeply. The number 6 and 9 are the same when turned upside down. The inner circle is oval.
  • Number 7: The left side of the head is pointed and has a base



  • Genuine: Gucci hardware is typically made of high-quality materials and has a polished finish. The engravings are clear and precise.
  • Fake: Counterfeit hardware may be made of lower-quality materials and have a less polished finish. The engravings may be blurry or unclear.



By carefully inspecting these elements, you can significantly increase your chances of identifying authentic Gucci products. Remember, when in doubt, it's always best to consult with a professional or purchase from a reputable retailer.

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